Redefining the Idea of India

In the Initial Articles of Constitution of India, India that is Bharath is defined as the " Union of States " but the union doesn't mean a federal system like United States. According to Constitutional maker of India , Central Government must be strong, with the gross root Democracy and decentralisation which coincides with the Idea of Gandhijis Gramswaraj i.e. Village development. At the time of Indian Independence India had two options 1. To completely form a Republic like United States where power vested in people with checks and balances.
2. A powerful Government elected democratically but pseudo Centralised system close to China and Souviate Union.
The resemblance of China's Political system and India's Political system is so close in several aspects. In early 19th century after China become free from monarchy . The premier of China and president decided that people of China are not able to participate in the Democracy immediately since the awareness and education among the population is less, so they chose the a system that is partially Democratic but elected by educated people. This was the step that lead to complete death of Democracy in Mao's People Republic of China after Cultural revolution. In India the founding fathers of the nation acknowledged the status of then people of India and then political and social situation in the country, so they made almost central government lead system of government. Which was made possible through Single party rule of Indian National Congress with High command Culture. The eventually fall of Congress party in states lead to the clash between the states and centre like T.D.P in Andhra Pradesh, D.M.K in Tamil Nadu etc. Thanks this development now uni polar power equation has been changed in the country that is if a person who sits in Delhi is incapable, that doesn't  effect much over entire country and more accountability is also brought into the system. Now after 73 years of Independence more then 70 percent of India's population are educated and there are more number of Graduates then any other country in the world except China . The ambitions of people of India has been changed from Roti, kapada, Makan to Secured Society, Quality Health Care and  Quality Education. India has achieved its goal of providing Roti, kapada, Makan to all Indians by reducing number of people below poverty drastically from nearly 70 percent to almost 15 percent. Now it is in the transition period to transfer the real power to the people and decentralise entire power structure of India and to achieve Gandhi's Idea of Gramswaraj . Let's see where India stands on the Idea of Gramswaraj or gross root Democracy. After the 72nd and 73rd Constitutional amindments which talks about Local Governence but in implementation which are big flaws. Let's the example of Andhra Pradesh, in June 2019, the elections for state assembly were completed but it took almost a year and half to conduct the elections for local bodies and the Nexus created over the nomination of candidates and threats, attacks from the ruling party are brutal. To my astonishing I find out that people of Andhra Pradesh feels even a Panchat/ ward members elections are  also the referendum for YSR CONGRESS Party Governence and I witnessed many people lobbying for the seats of Local Bodies by playing all their card which includes Money, Caste, Support( Rowdy Forces ), Dynast etc etc. It has became a item of museum to a genuinely elected leader from the gross root level to come top Governmental positions like U.S.A. In India. The concept of local Governence is very important and need of the hour in India not just for political reasons but for development. A parent who want to send his kid to the government school, find outs that so called school operated by State Government is in a old ready to collapse building and the teacher of the so called is not attending his / her duties properly or there is no teacher at all . At that the options available for a parent are either to give a complaint to MEO/ DEO who will not respond. On the political front the local Sarpanchs doesn't have any jurisdiction or any interest. So the parent must go to the MLA / District Collector eventually who doesn't care most of the time. Consider a another example where a Son/ daughter want to take his / her parents to a local PSU and finds out that so called PSU is became mini centre for anti social elements and a mini bar, so called doctor never visits the PSU because he has his private practice even if it is in the working condition ( which are very limited in number) the Corruption and response and quality of service is worst .
Let's consider another situation a man who lives in a village lost his motor cycle and went to file complaint in local Police station. The man found out that so called in police station people were reluctant to register complaint and asking for a bribe.
In all above scenarios the main problem comes because of over centralisation of power. Those who won state assembly elections feels that they own entire state and each MLA becomes a mini King of his constituency without any opposition and those who oppose his will face severe consequences. This kind of attitude lead to destruction of local institutions. A man becomes MEO only if he is a man of MLA/ ruling party. A man becomes Health secretary/ incharge only if he is a associated with local MLA. A man can become SI only if he has the consent of local MLA. These events eventually lead to bribing the MLA / Ruling party . Which made the reluctant to act on dishonest behaviour of Government servants. Now the situation has become even worst. To curb this kind of situation we need to improve the 72, 73 Constitutional Amindments by giving more power to people. Let's form the governing boards to every school and  make people(parents) elect the board of every school in the country . Lets transfer the power to people elected school board and crate school politics for good. Let's create management board for local hospitals and PSU and ask people to elect those who can run the hospital well for the public. Let's transfer the law and order from state subject to local body subject ( municipalities, District Councils etc )  and make them responsible for local police forces and make police a election issue. Let's share the revenue of GST with local governments and make people to choose their leader similar to London, Newyork cities etc. Let them vote for their own Citi development and let them develop their own place on their own.
Let's make sure that Democracy prevailes and it can only prevale with decentralised system.


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